petechiae anxiety forum

And of course if you Google them it's always cancer!! A good forum will offer a supportive community with active members who are quick to respond in an empathetic manner. WebPetechiae: This symptom appears as tiny red or purple dots on your lower legs that resemble a rash. my health anxiety has kicked in since quarantine and ive messaged my GP multiple times about the spots. - I've never experienced knee or ankle pain. i have also had random petechiae spots showing up on all different parts of my body- always singular spots, never clustered, do not blanch, last about 2-3 days before fading, for about 2 months now. I have them scattered on my arms and I'm worried.. People tell me I'm overreacting They're small and hardly noticeable but there are around 20 on each arm (only upper arm). We coalesce here to reclaim control of our lives through: education, sharing experiences, sharing management techniques, sharing resources, exposing stigma & norms, and advancing the discussion & awareness around Health Anxiety (a.k.a. You might also find them inside your mouth or They - I don't think my skin is REALLY elastically, but I don't really know how to judge. My doctor prescribed me Escitilopram 10mg and Buspirone 7.5mg and I'm scared. Question: Petechiae in otherwise healthy 16-month-old. Uncategorized. I always wondered why I seemed to get so many of these things is this a common occurance among EDSers? Just slept funny. I have similar spots as well. One of the more basic reasons you will have petechiae appear on your skin is due to straining. Find out what can trigger a panic attack and what to do if you have one. ), chest (two) and a few other areas on my body. WebApproximately 59% of physicians felt that fatigue was a very impactful symptom, while 66% of physicians believed that ITP-related fatigue was associated with reduced quality-of-life, and 46% felt that fatigue is often severe. - Teeth have always been hugely crowded, as I have a small mouth. This content does not have an Arabic version. I'm 39 and my doc said it's a side effect of blood thinners and that's what aspirin is. Neither the petechiae nor the angiomas ever itch or hurt. He said unless my SI joints are fused, I do not currently present any signs of AS and that the other symptoms I've had are not that common in AS. They appear as round, pinpoint-sized dots that are not raised. We don't know what posts in which forum will trigger focused research on our part that might lead to quality of life again. With normal platelets and everything else, what does this indicate? 1. I also have very small pinpoint like red spots on my arms, chest, and legs that do in fact blanch and have been there for years. A few days later the doctor ordered bloodwork to ease my fears about leukemia (a fear I've had since 8 years old or so), and the CBC was normal. Petechiae People with myelodysplastic syndromes might not experience signs and symptoms at first. It has driven me to the point i dont want to leave my house or do anything. However, common causes include injury to the skin or repeated coughing. Im sure Im forgetting something, as forgetfulness is another complaint. You may have low platelet levels because you drink lots of alcohol or are exposed to certain toxic chemicals. (Thinking about volleyball, I only ever played that once, and as I dislocated my thumb doing it and my psycho gym teacher was completely grossed out by the sight of me popping it back in, I never had to play again, for which I was *extremely* glad - it was waaaaaay too painful for me.). People with severe thrombocytopenia may have an increased risk of developing the following conditions: A normal platelet count or level in adults ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. respect of any healthcare matters. Usually flat to the touch, petechiae don't lose color when you press on them. Instantaneously, just like that from a sneeze. WebPetechiae are small, purpuric lesions up to 2mm across Ecchymoses or bruises are larger extravasations of blood. In adults, this may be triggered by infection with HIV, hepatitis or H. pylori the type of bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. So got a sunburn on shoulders and stomach a couple weeks ago, after a week I started to peel and get petechiae on stomach and shoulders there still coming and going it's been 3 weeks. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Sometimes petechiae can appear (even with normal counts) if a person cuts off circulation to the area. I've recently started getting them with exposure to sun! So, my best guess is that petechiae may be associated with B12/folate deficiency, since it has helped in my case. Thrombocytopenia affects people with certain medical conditions like autoimmune disease or who take certain medications. Aplastic anemia occurs when the bodys bone marrow doesnt make enough new blood cells. Oh waiting for the day lol. Been here since December so I have no hope of them going away. Even at the worst of my flare ups, sometimes I could sit down for 10-30 minutes and then get up pain free (it'd come back but still). George JN, et al. The general aching in your bones and muscles could well be associated with Thrombocytopenia levels are: Some people with mild cases of thrombocytopenia dont have symptoms. petechiae anxiety forum. I think that since we are sick we pay way too much attention to any detail in our bodies, things that usually passed unnoticed in healthy people, but they sure have it too. I'm having the same exact issue as you for 6 months now with no explanation! Forum Name: Dermatology Topics Question: Petechiae vs. Angiomas / Please help! if so it could just be your skin is sensitive and even rubbing against fabric or sweating could trigger them (im not a doctor but thats what Ive been told). Superficial bleeding into the skin that appears as pinpoint-sized reddish-purple spots (petechiae) that look like a rash, usually on the lower legs. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Jan. 21, 2019. Accessed Feb. 21, 2019. I just want them to go and they wont. Difficulty in breathing Fever, without apparent cause, coldness in the legs, feet, and hands. In adults, the disorder is often long term. rabbit sneeze attack; liberty finance Yup - I had a lot of pressure applied to that area and then a few hours later noticed them there. All rights reserved. They did x-rays and a MRI scan and bloodwork. It was caused by Chronic ITP (idiopathic/immune thrombocytopenia purpura). National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. I have another question now. Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) in adults: Second-line and subsequent therapies. WebPetechiae are tiny spots of bleeding under the skin. Yes had blood work and all was good. Capillary bleeding in babies can occur due to many reasons, including (2): Coughing bouts. Because after the egregious medical shove-off the vast majority of we MEers went & still go thru- left in our homes suffering, or on the job barely making it or getting fired, hard-won careers lost (that took decades to build, in my case), then denied the basic safety net of food & shelter (never mind medical care) via SSDI, et al., & the charming now-increased likelihood of a variety of nasty diseases statistically tied to ME onset, and/or the untimely deaths via suicide (just 1 leading ME mortality cause), and after. Should I be worried, and has anybody else experienced this? Children may develop ITP after a viral infection and usually recover fully without treatment. The most common symptoms associated with anxiety include, but arent limited to: Persistent restlessness or nervousness. I haven't figured out what I'm allergic to, which I suspect is because I'm *not* reacting much to any single trigger (except ibuprofen, which as of about 6 months ago I appear to be genuinely allergic to) and instead react a tiny bit to lots of things and if I bump into too many of them too closely will get a bigger reaction. WebPetechiae and Palpitations causing me stress As the title says, for the past year I have been getting petechiae and heart palpitations after i got strep throat. Inner arms and top of legs close to wear leg attaches to the hip/groin/torso (?). Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. If you lift weights, the straining from pulling on the weights could cause the blood droplets to appear. I think you'll be just fine. The high dose of Protonix not irritable bowel syndrome is likely the cause of your diarrhea. Frustrating. Years ago I checked it in the animals. The bleeding results from unusually low levels of platelets the cells that help blood clot. Interestingly, I also ave chronic microscopic hematuria (blood in urine) and have had tests, but is probably there due to something similar to the petechiae. Less than 0.1% probably. OK so let's connect some dots. I'm 39 and my doc said it's a side effect of blood thinners and that's what aspirin is. At the time I was taking asp Go figure! Thank God for another member who posted on another support group board recently, or I still wouldnt know! Yes, I have these. I have same thing. There is a problem with include protected health information. Back on antidepressants due to anxiety and panic attacks, Pounding heart/palpitations driving me crazy, Anxious thoughts , doomsdaying about everything. Today I read someone's words about Sjogrens. I no how you feel, have you ever noticed any on your legs? If you don't have signs of bleeding and your platelet count isn't too low, you may not need any treatment. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. I am just really antsy right now. Ferri FF. If you have thrombocytopenia, ask your healthcare provider what caused the issue and what treatment or lifestyle changes they recommend. For those who don't know, petechiae are dots of blood which appear under the skin; they often appear with There is another thread on the forum about petechiae and they mentioned sunburn assomething that can cause it. Hugs love your post. Things that have bothered me before, or even new things. When they do occur, they may include: Make an appointment with your doctor if you or your child develops warning signs that worry you. Thrombocytopenia often affects people with certain medical conditions, like autoimmune disease or who take certain medications. | Anxiety Community Forum Welcome to the Anxiety Community Forum, a friendly space for discussion, help and support with mental health issues. They usually appear on your arms, legs, stomach, and buttocks. youre not alone. I think it's Petechiae - Petechiae are pinpoint, round spots that appear on the skin as a result of bleeding under the skin. You have a fever or other signs of infection. information highlighted below and resubmit the form. Blood work came out good. Any connection to that with you? Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Having said that, in respect of the streaking effect and the generalised redness, the photo looks like a hybrid of petechiae and the weird blotching that I'm getting these days as a non-itchy allergy thing (if I get too much of it, it's time to reach for the piriton [chlorpheniramine] or risk having more of a reaction some time later that can extend as far as breathlessness and confusion). Upload or insert images from URL. Often times they turn into cherry angiomas or brown spots. Same here unfortunately. I get a breakout of them every year when the seasons change. However he said when it's a side effect of medicine it'll go away within a month. As the title says, for the past year I have been getting petechiae and heart palpitations after i got strep throat. I had petechiae after a severe episode of hyponatraemia (low blood sodium). Rash and dark colored urine. The study analyzes which people have Petechiae with Stress and anxiety. Anxiety and taking setraline for the first time, Extreme anxiety when having to take orders at restaurant. Please help. I've always been troubled, knowing something must be wrong, but no one has determined what. Your doctor may suggest treatment to maintain a stable platelet count, taking into account the effects on your baby. Now Im in complete panic mode. And how many of those diagnoses were correct? Petechiae, yay | Anxiety Community Forum Welcome to the Anxiety Community Forum, a friendly space for discussion, help and support with mental health If I get anything Ill come back and post. I'm worried (as usual), and I have made a doctors appointment about it. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? We don't know what posts in which forum will trigger focused research on our part that might lead to quality of life again. I've had petechiae for about 12 yrs I'm 32 yrold male. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Looking to increase/ Ride it out. Usually from carrying a shoulder bag or sleeping on my arm weird. I didn't show her the new spots today out of fear that my continued anxiety could cause her to take my concerns in the future less seriously, but after seeing that elevated value, I'm defnitely worried again. Severe thrombocytopenia increases your risk of internal bleeding or heart attack. Close top bar. My wife has the same issue. I never know when something's significant or if I'm just noticing things too closely. If you have pinpoint-sized red dots under your skin Amoxicillin is know to cause them also anti depressants will too that's what I was told how long you been on antibiotics I had explained this to my first rheumatologist but he'd brushed it off. When the doctor called with the results her exact words were, "Your counts are normal, you definitely do not have cancer." From the very beginning I was confused over my arthritis diagnosis. This content does not have an English version. I'll have to bring it up to my doctor; thanks for pointing it out. I'm worried now because I have a dermatology appointment on Thursday to figure this out, and I got my last CBC report from end of February today. 1. You must log in or register to reply here. Hi mamas. Seek medical care if: You may want to ask your healthcare provider: Thrombocytopenia low platelet levels may increase your risk of issues like excessive bleeding and bruising. Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) care at Mayo Clinic. I'd hedge my bets on anxiety, or irritation from your clothing. WebPetechiae is found among people with Stress and anxiety, especially for people who are female, 60+ old. It's really just a form of bruising. They seem to always fade within a few days. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Philadelphia, Pa.: Elsevier; 2019. Mine bled when rubbed. Petechiae isn't technically a rash, but it is a skin disorder that occurs due to leukemia. If you have this condition, its important to understand why you have low platelet levels. Headaches, stomachaches, muscle aches, and other unexplained pain. Doc had no explanation. But a few reappeared again yesterday, again on my thighs. I also get them occasionally, from various things, but especially when I've slept in a weird position. Anyhow, he has been tested for every kind of blood disorder and they have all come back negative. I have battling depression & anxiety for many years. - I do vaguely wonder about IBS symptoms, but it's nothing major. In December I broke out with hundreds of petechiae all over my tummy and chest. They never go away. The bleeding causes the petechiae to appear 15. These tiny red or purple spots generally form in groups and look like a red rash.Petechial rashes are described as non-blanching because they dont change color when pressed. I also have several cherry angiomas on my trunk, arms, back and skull. But twice this week my entire forearm has been absolutely covered, with big patches on my upper arm. I get these too and thought is was just broken blood vessels! However, I do only weight 100 pounds, so my body may not stress the joints there My son who has classic EDS (8 yr. old) has been having these since he was 1 (our first indication that something was not right). Web1. I also have dermographism. There is another thread on the forum about petechiae and they mentioned sunburn as something that can cause it. If Googlewere a real doctor, it wouldhave had its license to practice medicine revoked long ago. Thousands collectively. yea ive had a few blood tests done and everything looks normal, that still doesnt fill me with confidence and for the palpitations my doctor just kinda says "we done tests, get over it" :C. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Could the UTI and spots be related? *sigh*, OkayI just broke out in a new wave of these this evening, all over one of my hands and that forearm. I have had a few petechiae on and off for 2 months now, usually no more than a handful at a time. Your healthcare provider can explain whats causing the low platelet count and discuss treatment options. Maybe a -yeah, proverbial missing link, in my case, or hers, or his, or. The color varies from red to blue or purple as they age and gradually disappear. If you're absolutely covered in them it's a cause for concern, but a few generally isn't. Formerly known as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, ITP can cause purple bruises, as well as tiny reddish-purple dots that look like a rash. In time, myelodysplastic syndromes might cause: Fatigue Shortness of breath Unusual paleness (pallor), which occurs due to a low red blood cell count (anemia) I always get this, especially on my arm, where the strap to my purse or filled canvas grocery bag is resting on. The rashes resemble patches of pinpoint red or purple spots, known as petechiae. (And once when I was a kid, someone put water wings on me for a swimming lesson. information is beneficial, we may combine your email and website usage information with Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek Petechiae & leukemia?! I am not Yeah this happens to me now and again. Theyll check for bruises, rashes and other thrombocytopenia symptoms. It always freaks me out at least a little, but it's never been a sign of a serious problem. Aplastic anemia occurs when the bodys bone marrow doesnt make enough new blood cells. I'll occasionally worry about stuff that otherwise never bothers me. A friend with ME/CFS also had a lot of angiomas. Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders, Orthopedic issues (bones, joints, and muscles), Allergy, immunology & mast cell disorders. appropriate medical assistance immediately. Mayo Clinic on Incontinence - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW The Essential Diabetes Book - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW Ending the Opioid Crisis - Mayo Clinic Press, FREE Mayo Clinic Diet Assessment - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education, Book: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, 5th Edition, Newsletter: Mayo Clinic Health Letter Digital Edition, DVT (deep vein thrombosis) prevention and treatment. Following a complete lack of sensible diagnosis for the cause of either, I worked out that they were symptoms of over-exertion for me. I looked like raw bacon after.) :(. Your previous content has been restored. I have a blood (platelet) disorder called ITP. They appeared only when the infection acted up. the unsubscribe link in the e-mail. Interestingly, the rubber band for the blood test that felt like it would cut through my arm left no marks. People may have thrombocytopenia and not realize it because their symptoms are so mild. Yes, I've woken up with a large area seemingly covered in petechiae, and all was well. Recently I was on Dexamethasone (steroidal anti-inflammatory) after wisdom tooth removal and WOW. I was litterally suffocating. I don't do it anymore but once I did and fainted. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are I almost always get huge stripes of them when I get my blood pressure taken. There are multiple causes for thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, etc. Usually on my upper thighs. The first time I saw a geneticist, he mentioned the petechiae, and suggested I say something to my GP so he could check it through bloodwork (perhaps some kind of blood-related issue like the previous poster suggested? The petechiae were on his face, scalp, and a few on his back. In: Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2019. Good day my friends, I awoke this morning (great news) and noted that I had Petechiae across my lower abdomen. I took care of a man with AIDS to his death. Also notice if I drink alot of alcohol or take aspirin I get tons, OK so let's connect some dots. Petechiae may look like a rash and usually appear in clusters. LOL! Im sure youre fine. There are multiple causes for thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, etc. He suggested a good moisturizer and a good diet. its frustrating when no one understands, but its reassuring to know other people have gone through it as well. I spent much of my teenage youth in and out of hospital because of all that. I battle majority with health anxiety. Thanks to a little fake tan, I am able to easily cover the arm stuff, otherwise I use a little Laura Geller baked body frosting, a very natural bronzer, to lightly cover the spots. If you had a splenectomy, youre at increased risk of infection. Its most likely just pressure on your body for long periods of time, I dont think its anything to stress over too much. information submitted for this request. Petechiae are tiny purple, red, or brown spots on the skin. Bleeding that won't stop is a medical emergency. If you do, ask your healthcare provider if there are medications or activities you should avoid. adding a driver to insurance geico; fine line tattoo sleeve; scott forbes unc baseball +201205179999. It may also cause bleeding in many parts of your body. Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic Press. Not pressure, or injury related. Display as a link instead, So if they won't maybe it's something else and not side effect of medicine. They scare me every time I see them, I always tell my self I'm not gonna look anymore but then some caught my eye and I'm back to searching my body again, Mine started when I was 16 for some reason I had Lyme at the time but not sure if there related. Rash: although there were some petechiae in my body most of my rash is slightly raised and non-petechiae and the skin is dry. Nothing good ever comes of it. As a result of things being diagnosed, I was prescribed Paroxetine for my anxiety. Evaluation: trauma usually produce bruises ,so for petechiae, baby need to have The nurse practitioner looked at them, agreed they might be petechiae, but that they did not look concerning to her. as being in breach of those terms. JavaScript is disabled. I get petechiae whenever I scratch too hard, always have done since childhood. Ive googled and Im freaking out . Nothing was even borderline out-of-range. I know your mind might say well that was last time and this time it's different.. but that's the anxiety talking and not facts. When they do, one of the first symptoms is a cut or nosebleed that wont stop bleeding. My mind immediately went into overdrive because I remembered a friend of mine mentioning red spots on his girlfriends legs right before she was (incorrectly) diagnosed with leukemia.

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petechiae anxiety forum